11 Things Batman Vs Superman Absolutely Must Get Right

11. Universe Building

The universe building aspect of this movie has to be done right - but it's one of the things that the people behind it might find difficult without making it looked contrived. For examples of both extremes on the universe building front, DC and Warner Brothers need look no further than the first two Iron Man movies. The first offering in 2008 set-up the Marvel Cinematic Universe for expansion brilliantly, with the subtle introduction of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick Fury's appearance in the post-credits scene. The second offering in 2010 was far less subtle and seemed to concentrate far too much on universe expansion, which ended up taking the attention away from what was already a fairly weak plot. DC and Warner Brothers must get the balance right in order to make sure that the foundations are in place for expansion, but not so much than an already over-crammed movie becomes even more over-crammed.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.