11 Things You Learn From Watching 336 Films In 2014

9. You Should Listen To Recommendations More

Jesse James Gif Gif If you're a film fan - and that's a proper, committed one with a Collection and a problem - you'll be sick of people saying two things to you: "what's your favourite film?" being the worst, and "you should see..." Yes, recommendations are a wonderful thing - just ask Facebook and Trip Advisor who've both made their money on the currency of opinions and Likes - but a lot of people you know and love are idiots, and there's no sweetening the fact. But if you take one bit of advice into 2015, let it be this: pay attention to people who try to get you to watch films. The Assassination Of Jesse James really is as good as your boss keeps telling you, he wasn't trying to trick you. And it's a lot better than finding yourself watching What Women Want for the third time in twelve months. Obviously that advice comes with a caveat; only listen to the recommendations of people you know love film for the right reasons, or you'll find yourself sitting slack-jawed at the end of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wondering what it was you did that wronged them so much.
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