11 Things That Will Happen When You Date A Harry Potter Fan

2. You'll Need To Have Patience

Chances are, they're still going to bawl their eyes out every time Sirius and Fred dies. It doesn't matter if they know the entire script and could tell you the minute and second that they die on screen, it's still going to hurt as much as it did that first time. If you're out and about and something reminds then of Remus and Tonks and BAM, they're crying again, try not to put a bag over their head because you're so embarrassed about them sobbing over fictional characters. In fact, never, ever refer to them as fictional - it's real for them. Just always be prepared by carrying tissues and some body part of a chocolate frog around with you at all times. We all lost someone at the Battle of Hogwarts.
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Harry Potter
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com