11 Things That Will Happen When You Date A Harry Potter Fan

8. Love Is Taken Very Seriously

The major, recurring theme of the Harry Potter series is love. J.K.Rowling describes how powerful love can be; it's stronger than any spell and although it can't be seen, it can be felt. Recognising this means that your partner will be very careful when it comes to your heart. They'll always put you first, their kindness will astonish you and they'll display bravery in the face of adversity; so basically, they won't push you out of the way and run for the nearest exit in those Horror Houses. They've seen what a good relationship looks like (with Hermione and Ron, not Ron and Lavender) and they'll want to recreate that sense of trust, friendship and loyalty with you. So it's probably best if you do the same otherwise you might find yourself getting attacked by a lot of birds or maybe a basilisk, depending on their mood.
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Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com