11 Upcoming Movies Which Might Revive Dying Genres

4. Zombieland: Double Tap - Horror Comedies

Zombieland 2
Columbia Pictures

Horror Comedies have seemingly disappeared from mainstream cinema. They've either premiered at smaller-scale film festivals, but for mainstream movies, recent efforts like 2018's Slaughterhouse Rulez have not really garnered much critical praise. Zombieland: Double Tap wants to change that.

It's good timing too, as this seems to be the year that zombie films will be reinvented. Zombieland: Double Tap must be striving more towards the comedy element, if the returning creative team of Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick and the original's distinctive ridiculous tone are anything to go by, which is perfect for injecting some joy into what is otherwise a genre often dominated by B-movie schlock.

If Zombieland: Double Tap wants to bring audiences back to a classic horror comedy, it needs to commit to that same style it cultivated back in 2009. Give audiences more celebrity zombie cameos, more outlandish "zombie kills of the week", and make sure that the conflict with new survivors and evolving zombies isn't just a riff on other zombie media.

If the long wait for this sequel means that it Double Tap comes out swinging with the exact same comedic precision and excellent writing that the first movie had, it will undoubtedly inspire far more horror comedies to emerge.


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