5. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Is it unrealistic to say that the Star Wars spinoff could be better than the main event? Little is known about Rogue One at the moment, though thats likely to change once The Force Awakens eventually leaves the theatres. Whats known is that the film will take place before A New Hope and will detail the mission to acquire the Death Star plans. That the film is focused on providing a new look at the Star Wars universe could be refreshing. This is about the people on the ground, fighting in a war in a harsh setting. Its like nothing weve ever seen before within this setting. Perhaps the most liberating facet of Rogue One is how its not bound to notion of operating as a space opera. Presumably, it will follow a singular group of characters on a focused mission, quite the opposite of what Star Wars usually does. The Force Awakens occasionally suffered from development issues as a result of its plot bouncing around to so many different characters but Rogue One's streamlined nature could help alleviate that. With a great cast and an exciting director, Rogue One has the potential to steal The Force Awakenss thunder thanks to its unique spin on familiar material.
Connor Briggs-Morris
Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.
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