11 Ways Star Wars: The Last Jedi Was Basically The Empire Strikes Back
5. Parentage Is Revealed

There are few moments more revered in all of cinema than Darth Vader revealing that he is Luke Skywalker's father. It was a well-kept secret, with even the actors filming the scene exchanging different dialogue before it was dubbed by James Earl Jones.
While this came as a shock back in 1980, The Force Awakens set fans into a frenzy as they tried to figure out who Rey's parents would turn out to be. More and more possibilities came up, and Internet users spread them across the globe. Was she Luke's daughter? Was she Ben Solo's sister, so that Han and Leia really did have twins as in the Legends Universe? Was she a Palpatine? A Kenobi? Fans went into The Last Jedi hoping that her parents would be revealed, but concerned that perhaps they were going to have to wait until Episode IX.
Say what you will about the final decision, but we were treated to the revelation. Whether it was the right one is questionable, but in actual fact surely it was - whichever of the above past names were chosen, would the impact have been as forceful? Would the message have been as relevant? After all, surely it's what we do with our lives that counts, not who our completely absent parents turn out to be. Surely our potential is our own, not based on our backgrounds?
The lines may be very different, but the shock is similar. Parentage plays a huge role in both movies.