11 Ways Star Wars: The Last Jedi Was Basically The Empire Strikes Back
3. Heroes Are Separated By Their Missions

In A New Hope, Luke, Leia, Han, Obi-Wan, Chewbacca and the droids spend much of their mission together. There are some minimal separations, like Leia being alone before being rescued and Han's brief departure before the Battle of Yavin, but they remain together for most of it. In The Force Awakens, this is generally reflected at least by Rey, Finn, BB-8, Han and Chewbacca, at least until Rey is captured (and needs rescuing in a Princess Leia style).
In The Empire Strikes Back, Luke is quickly swept off to find Yoda on a side quest, with his only company being R2-D2. Han, Leia, C-3PO and Chewbacca must find their own way to safety after the Battle of Hoth, only meeting up with Luke in the final act. This is again mirrored in The Last Jedi. Rey, Chewbacca and R2-D2 begin the movie separate from the rest, carrying out the quest to find Luke and to help Rey to understand her Force powers. Like Luke's Dagobah mission, it is something that she needs to do in near isolation. Poe, Finn, Rose and to some extend Leia have their own desperate flight, very reminiscent to that aboard the Millennium Falcon during The Empire Strikes Back, and then Finn and Rose go on to have their own very separate mission which resonates with the heroes' time on Cloud City.
In terms of structure and which heroes and where and in what company, again The Last Jedi mirrors The Empire Strikes Back closely.