Marvel: 11 Ways The MCU Is Definitely Laughing At You

1. They Made A Tree Your Favourite MCU Hero

Not only that, a tree voiced by Vin Diesel. The whole Guardians Of The Galaxy situation felt like a joke all along (which is precisely why there should be hope that Ant-Man can defy expectations), compounded by the casting of the chubby guy from Parks & Recreation, Bradley Cooper as a raccoon, a WWE star and Vin Diesel. If someone pitched you that right now, you'd laugh them out of your production office. And yet, the film was a massive success thanks to James Gunn's approach to the material and the lack of pretentiousness. But that still doesn't negate the fact that Marvel pulled off an incredible feat in making Groot, a tree with a vocabulary mostly limited to three words the best character in their entire series. Who knows what they're going to pull for their next trick.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.