11 Wildly Inaccurate Movie Science Tropes

8. Aliens Are Just Blue Humans

Marvel Studios

"Right, we've gotta come up with a race of beings that look like they evolved on a totally alien world, in a totally different eco-system."

"But people are frightened and revolted by things that are different to them. Heck, we can't even handle different levels of melanin in our own species."

"How about we just give them weird eyebrows and a cute speech impediment then?"


Granted, the idea that all intelligent alien life has a few limbs and a face is probably largely due to budgeting reasons. But the repeated insistence that a being that evolved on a different planet is just going to look like a hot, blue version of you is frankly a bit insulting.

Just look at the biodiversity on our home planet and you quickly realise that the human form is the exception rather than the rule.

Even if a species evolved to be bilateral, bipedal copies of humans (bonus: who speak English), there are plenty of other ways that evolution could have made them virtually unrecognisable to us. What if low light levels meant that they never evolved eyes? What if their entire body was covered in slime to protect them from a harsh, dry climate?

That's probably less sexy than a leggy lady-alien with galactic side-boob.


Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.