11 Worst Ideas George Lucas Ever Put On Film

2. "Only Imperial Stormtroopers Are So Accurate."

Without this line, no one would have had a problem with our heroes running around the Death Star unscathed; no one would have noticed how often these allegedly elite soldiers missed their mark, and not an eyelash would have been batted at the idea of a farm boy, a princess, a carpet, and a low-level criminal stacking a body count three times their number when their highly-trained enemies have bigger guns and regularly walk around in groups of twenty. All it would have taken is George Lucas saying to himself, "you know George, maybe you should cut that part, or have Alec Guinness re-record the line in the booth about some other piece of evidence of the stormtroopers' evil, rather than leave in that part where he points at imaginary blast points and makes everyone look like an idiot." But, as we well know, George doesn't even listen to George. Even when, considering every single one of his faults, he really should have.

I am a writer and musician born and raised in Montana. I have done everything from fixing fences in Glacier National Park to curating the music library at KBGA Missoula. I am also a lazy jerk.