12 Actors Who Could Be The Breakout Movie Stars Of 2020

4. Jessie Buckley

Wild Rose Jessie Buckley
Entertainment One

Irish singer-actress Jessie Buckley has been on the fringes of a breakout for quite some time, and enjoyed a major uptick in recognition last year after appearing in movies Wild Rose and Judy, as well as HBO's stunning drama Chernobyl.

But the actress' 2020 is set to make her 2019 look like chump change, as she's going to appear in a gamut of roles both tentpole-sized and prestigious.

Firstly, she'll appear opposite Robert Downey Jr. in the - admittedly dubious-looking - Dolittle, playing Queen Victoria.

Elsewhere she'll star with Keira Knightley in the drama Misbehaviour, opposite Ralph Fiennes in Cottontail, and most intriguingly, will appear in Charlie Kaufman's new film I'm Thinking of Ending Things.

But perhaps the ripest role of all is waiting on the TV side: she's been cast in the role of Oraetta Mayflower in the fourth season of FX's Fargo.

Given the series' penchant for making the most of its ensemble casts each season, this could spell an Emmy award in her near-future.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.