12 Actors Who Could Be The Breakout Movie Stars Of 2020

9. Henry Golding

The Gentlemen Henry Golding
Entertainment Film Distributors

Henry Golding has enjoyed a virtually unprecedented rise to fame over the last year-or-so.

The almost impossibly handsome and charming Malaysian-English actor was a relative unknown prior to winning the lead male role in Crazy Rich Asians from a global casting call.

This was Golding's first-ever film acting gig and immediately propelled him to global fame, after which he appeared in the hit thriller A Simple Favor and, most recently, starred opposite Emilia Clarke in the rom-com Last Christmas.

But 2020 will see Golding prove he's got far more to offer, as he attempts to establish himself in entirely new genres.

In January, he'll appear as triad gangster Dry Eye in Guy Ritchie's new film The Gentlemen, and later in the year will star as the title character in the aforementioned Snake Eyes.

It's certainly an intriguing two-hander with which Golding can nip his potential typecasting in the bud, regardless of how the films actually turn out.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.