12 Actors Who Did Career Worst Work In 2017

7. Ed Harris (Geostorm)

Geostorm Ed Harris
Warner Bros.

Despite being an undeniably world-class actor, Ed Harris is partial to his take-the-money-and-run roles every now and then, though they've never seemed quite as comically blatant as in the recent disaster dud Geostorm.

Harris plays Secretary of State Leonard Dekkom, and it's obvious from pretty much the second he first appears on-screen that he's going to later expose himself as the film's villain.

Dekkom's plan, to use the Geostorm to take out the line of Presidential succession and install himself as the new "Leader of the Free World" is thigh-slappingly cartoonish, but Harris sadly doesn't even make the most of it by twirling his mustache and hamming it up. Instead, he plays it mostly straight, resulting in the rarest of things: a dull Ed Harris performance.

There was a lot of potential here for Harris to let loose and have fun, but he for some reason opted to go the serious route in a movie called Geostorm. It was a big mistake, and resulted in the most miscalculated performance of his career.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.