12 Actors Who Did Career Worst Work In 2018

11. Taron Egerton (Robin Hood & Billionaire Boys Club)

Robin Hood Taron Egerton
Summit Entertainment

To be completely fair to Kingsman star Taron Egerton, he's still a young, on-the-rise actor, though after several years of starring in successful star vehicles, his momentum was stunted a little in 2018 with these consecutive duds.

Egerton first appeared in the long-delayed Billionaire Boys Club, which was quietly dumped on VOD in most markets following the sexual harassment allegations levelled against co-star Kevin Spacey.

Given that the film was nothing more than a half-baked The Wolf of Wall Street knock-off, it was just as well for Egerton, really. He was certainly trying to give a charismatic performance, but the material did him no favours.

Egerton followed this up with the big-budget Robin Hood reboot nobody asked for, a wildly over-budgeted, visually repulsive and flat-out lame retelling of the classic tale. Worst of all, though it seemed like the young lead might be a bright spot among the abject awfulness, even Egerton is weirdly flat and charmless throughout.

At least he has a huge opportunity to bounce back next year, as he'll be playing Elton John in the hotly-anticipated biopic Rocketman. Fingers crossed.

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Robin Hood
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.