12 Alternative Versions Of Sci-Fi Movies We Didn't Get To See

10. Shin Godzilla

I Am Legend Make Up Test

2016’s Shin Godzilla was seen by many as a triumphant return to form for the long-running (twenty-nine flicks and counting, not including Western iterations) Godzilla franchise. The film prioritized both some vintage monster action and the attendant Very Serious Political Commentary that the series is best known for balancing and did a formidable job of doing the eponymous kaiju justice.

However, earlier versions of the franchise reboot would have seen a very different version of Godzilla plague Tokyo, with the titular beast’s third transformation chucking up an entire steaming lake of blood and slithering, snake-like, throughout the city.

He also almost boasted a second head, and the stray spikes discovered by workers were originally going to be an undulating blob of assorted teeth, muscle, and organs which owed more to Rick and Morty’s Cronenbergs or Lovecraft than the usual mutant monster movie fare.

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