12 Awesome Animated Films For Adults

3. The Animatrix (2003)

While the Matrix trilogy was undoubtedly impressive in the visual department, due to limitations in VFX technology, there were some set-pieces that played out like glorified cartoons. The Animatrix was not bound by these limitations; an anthology of nine animated shorts which expanded on the universe created by the Wachowskis, the movie uses a range of animation styles to fantastic effect. The short films vary greatly in subject matter; 'Beyond' sees a group of children playing with glitches in the system that seem to defy physics, 'A Detective Story' follows Trinity€™s interaction with a badass private eye and 'World Record' shows a track athlete attempting to break free of the Matrix during a race. It€™s refreshing to see different angles on the movie universe such as various methods used by the sinister agents in order to maintain authority and how breaking from the simulation affects those who aren€™t some sort of messiah figure. Shifting rapidly from CG to classic animation, your eyes are never given time to adjust and with so much action occurring on screen there€™s rarely any respite to gather your thoughts. To make the most of what€™s on offer, you really have to watch The Animatrix a few times but after the first viewing, there€™s little else you€™ll want to do.

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson