12 Awful Movie Sequels That Franchises Completely Ignored

3. Jaws 3-D

jaws the revenge
Universal Pictures

Wiped Out By: Jaws: The Revenge

Despite the fact that Jaws killed its compelling, monstrous star, the second it was commercially successful it was always going to get sequels. Nobody could have predicted that it would have quite so many copycats, though.

Unfortunately for Universal, who saw massive potential in the shark-bait franchise, they've so far struggled to make anything like a worthy follow-up.

Jaws 3-D was their worst attempt for a while, plagued as it was by despicable, comically bad special effects, awful acting (despite a good cast) and worse writing (despite Richard Matheson being involved). It was so bad that the studio decided they needed to streamline the brand by making Jaws: The Revenge, which ironically proved to be even worse. It was not a good time to be a shark.

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