12 Badass Exploitation Films You Need To See Before You Die

12. Return Of The Evil Dead (1972)

Forget subtlety, logic and motivation €“ this sequel to Tombs Of The Blind Dead ignores them all. It also ignores its predecessor, allowing it to tell a different story involving the Templar Knights. After terrorizing a small village in Portugal, during which they mutilated their victims and drank their blood, the Knights were murdered by the rioting villagers, who burned out their eyes and buried them outside an abandoned monastery. A century later, the Knights rise from the grave to take revenge during the annual village festival, but if you think these are traditional zombies, you€™re wrong. Wearing hooded robes, carrying swords and riding dead horses (why not?), these cadavers don€™t eat human flesh €“ they ride through the village festival, chopping down their victims. When informed, the local police commissioner is understandably sceptical: €œDead guys on horses?€ he says. €œYou woke me to tell me that?€ Needless to say, most of the villagers die horribly as a result.
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Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'