12 Best 1990s Sci-Fi Movies

10. Independence Day

FIfth Element

The movie that spawned Hollywood's fascination with destroying many of the world's most famous landmarks in a blaze of CGI glory also remains one of the best sci-fi movies of the decade, solidifying Roland Emmerich as the industry's 'Master of Disaster' in what remains both the biggest hit and most defining movie of his career.

Independence Day is 1990s blockbuster cinema at its finest; the plot makes little sense, the characters are paper-thin and played by a mix of big stars and reliable veterans, there's no shortage of 'hoorah' Americana on show and even for a movie about an alien invasion, a high level of suspension of disbelief is required as the story unfolds.

That being said, the very same things that saw it earn $817m at the box office back in 1996 are the same reasons why Independence Day remains so watchable today. It might be painting-by-numbers blockbuster nonsense, but the charismatic performances from the ensemble cast and still awe-inspiring scale of the set-pieces make it an ideal slice of summer movie madness.


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