12 Best Female Movie Characters Of 2016

1. Jyn Erso – Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Arrival Amy Adams

The Force Awakens might’ve got a bit of flak last year for daring to have a female character front and centre but it looks like sexist Star Wars fans had better get used to the idea because if Rogue One’s female protagonist Jyn Erso is anything to go by that trend might just be here to stay. Brilliantly brought to life by British actress Felicity Jones, Jyn Erso is the daughter of the Death Star’s architect who lost her family to Imperial Forces as a young child and is basically the linchpin of Rogue One: A Star War Story.

Her insider knowledge combined with her courage, determination and defiant streak means she’s the obvious choice to lead a rebellion to destroy the Death Star. Seeing as she got vaporised at the end of the film it’s likely we won’t be seeing Jyn again unless some almighty Jedi mind trick is pulled, but the fact that the last two Star Wars instalments have featured female characters at their core is brilliant enough.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.