12 Biggest Comic Book Movie Reveals From CinemaCon 2017

12. Aquaman Won't Be Dark

justice league aquaman
Warner Bros

It might not have even started filming yet, but the news out of Las Vegas concerning Aquaman is positive for anyone looking for a little levity in the DCEU. And a little more colour.

According to Collider - who saw some of concept art on display, as presented by James Wan - the film is going to be lush and bright:

"Unlike Batman v Superman, which many complained was too dark, a lot of the artwork was bright and sunny and featured new creatures and locations that have never been seen before in a DC movie."

It actually would have been easy to use the excuse that the sea is a dark place to justify darkness, but mercifully it looks like they're going for the Finding Nemo approach and showing off their technological advances (which have made an unfilmable film filmable when it wouldn't have been five years ago).


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