12 Biggest Jerks of Christmas

6. Buzz McCallister: Home Alone 1 & 2

buzz mcallisterWho: Buzz McCallaister is the older brother to Kevin McCallister in the film Home Alone 1 & 2. Why: I guess you could say I'm being too harsh. Besides, aren't all older brothers supposed to be jerks. Of course they are, but that doesn't mean its stinks any less. The amazing thing about Buzz is that (like frank) he doesn't even figure into the movie all that much but he still manages to make his horrid presence know. The torment Buzz bestows on Kevin in Home Alone borders almost crosses the line but not too much. What big brothers haven't scarred their little bros witless with ghoulish stories or threatened to make them a snack for their domestic pets (although cheese pizza thing was unforgivable in my view). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Euk0cy-cXek Its when we get to the second films that Buzz crosses the line. Going into Home Alone 2 you would think that the bond between Kevin and Buzz had strengthened and grown based on the respect Buzz had for Kevin taking care of himself and not quote "burning the place down". Not so. In Home Along 2, Buzz was back to his old tricks only worse. No more pitiful little brother stuff. We're talking about full-scale public embarrassment that meant specifically to humiliate Kevin. To top it all off he offers the most insincere, condescending apology to Kevin and family afterward that almost had my 8 year old self ready to punch the television in anger. Redemption?: Yes and no. Buzz and Kevin reconcile (again!) at the end of Home Alone 2. The general understanding is that because Kevin was able to survive by himself for an extended period of time (again!) he is therefore worthy of Buzz's respect. It seems like this surviving business only buys him a temporary reprieve from any torment or belittling since by the next film Buzz is always at it again. Heaven knows what state their relationship would have been in if they had appeared together in Home Alone 3. Kevin probably would have had to kill a group of robbers SAW style to get Buzz's respect this time. Well, I'd rather see that over the Home Alone 3 we got.

5. Donner: Rudolph's Dad in the Rudolph TV Special

4479866_stdWho: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer's father from the Rankin and Bass Christmas Special RudolphWhy: Rudolphs dad is actually the biggest jerk on this list. The four that follow were big jerks as well but received higher spots for the special implications their jerk like behavior induced. However Rudolph's dad is just a straight up awful person through and through. Chief among his bad qualities are his parenting skills. From the moment his son is born displaying his special ability he became the typical harsh father type with behavior bordering on abuse. The father believes no one would accept him or be his friend because of his nose. Even Santa had his doubts about young rudolph and his special talent. He was present at his birth and had nothing but criticism for the young lad saying that Rudolph wont be able to pull the slay if his nose keeps shining like that. Suffice to say if I was Rudolph Santa would have been flying blind right into the side of the Empire State Building. toon02_Rudolph_RedNosedReinRedemption?: Of course this doesn't happen. Rudolph is a very forgiving sort letting his Dad, Santa and all those who ridiculed him off the hook. He fly's the jolly fat man around the world on Christmas eve guiding him through all manner of bad weather and in effect saves Christmas. However, I still think the dad has some hard work to do to earnings Rudolph's love and trust back after all those years of torment. If he makes no effort to do so then I think a visit to the Jerry Springer show may be in order.
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Raymond Woods is too busy watching movies to give you a decent bio. If he wasn't too busy watching movies and reading books about movies and listening to podcasts about movies, this is what he'd tell you. "I know more about film than you. Accept this as a fact and we might be able to talk."