12 Biggest Jerks of Christmas

2. Heat Miser/Snow Miser: A Year Without Santa Claus

tumblr_mc3tbdzkAJ1rj76gro1_500Who: Brothers and weather specialist. Son's of Mother Nature Herself. Father Unknown. Why: Up till now the Jerks featured on the list have been small scale. Little people (also deer and cartoon girls) with little problems. As far as I'm concerned another person has the right to be as much of a Jerk as they want to be as long as he keeps to himself. But as soon as your squabbles start to interfere with people who don't concern you directly we've got a problem. You hear that Heat Miser and Snow Miser. Keep your rivalry to yourselves. Heat Miser I don't care that you feel slighted by Santa's preference for snow and that mom likes Snow Miser better. Your a grown man and should be content in yourself and not seek Santa's or your moms approval anymore. And as for you Snow Miser, stop being so stingy. Would it be so bad to let Heat Miser bring his warmth to the North Pole a of days a year (regardless of what Al Gore says). He is your brother. The only one you got. If you don't cease fighting for your own well being then at least do it for Christmas. Your small dispute is causing a big problem for Santa as he needs good weather to travel the globe and deliver presents. Can you please cool your jets (sorry heat miser) and get your weather under control so Santa can get his job done? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yon2YuXssvo Redemption?: Well they eventually took my advice, thanks in part to an intervention by their mommy (Mother Nature), and Christmas goes off without a hitch. Santa (his faith in Christmas spirit reaffirmed) and goes off to deliver presents with a clear forecast. On top of that, the Miser brothers reunite years later to save Christmas (in the modern stop motion sequel "A Miser Brothers Christmas") from the evil machinations of their evil brother the North Wind. Coming together to stop North Wind effectively puts their rivalry to rest once and for all to rest and allows the world to enjoy the individual seasons peacefully forevermore.
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Raymond Woods is too busy watching movies to give you a decent bio. If he wasn't too busy watching movies and reading books about movies and listening to podcasts about movies, this is what he'd tell you. "I know more about film than you. Accept this as a fact and we might be able to talk."