12 Biggest Lies Told In Star Wars Movies

4. The Dark Side Isn't Stronger

Darth Maul

The Lie

When Luke asks him if the Dark Side is stronger, Yoda says "No, no, no. Quicker, easier, more seductive." It's an inspirational message, but it's remarkably difficult to accept as truth.

The Truth

Look, obviously the point of this exchange is to teach Luke restraint and patience (which doesn't work), but when you look back at some of the feats done in the name of the Dark Side, the argument is hard to back. Some of them might have been wiped out by the canonical change, but Darth Vitiate drained an entire planet (and fellow powerful Sith Lords), Darth Sidious could create a wormhole to rip planets apart and his master, Darth Plagueis could master death.

It depends on your definition of "stronger" of course, but it's like comparing the power of love and a weapon of mass destruction.

And in purely Top Trumps terms, the fact that Darth Vader's midi-chlorian count was the highest ever (so far quantified anyway) offers definitive theoretical evidence.

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