12 Biggest Lies Told In Star Wars Movies

1. Strike Me Down...

Star Wars Obi Wan Kenobi

The Lie

As Obi-Wan Kenobi faces off with Darth Vader, moments before his death, he makes a bold claim:

"You can't win, Vader. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

He then turns into a Force ghost and advises Luke from beyond the veil.

The Truth

He didn't: he effectively just became Luke's version of Siri.

No Force Ghost in the movies comes back with increased powers, and you really shouldn't buy the suggestion that Kenobi meant that his status as a martyr made him more powerful than him staying alive.

Sure, he effectively becomes "one with the Force" and can communicate with the living, but does that in any way correlate with "more powerful than you could possibly imagine"? He's talking to Darth Vader, of course it doesn't.

Which other lies did you spot in Star Wars movies? Share your own picks below in the comments thread.

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