12 Bitchiest Movie Stars In Hollywood

10. Sean Penn

Element Pictures
"You're a communist a**hole." - Actress Maria Conchita Alonso to Sean Penn regarding his outspoken support for fascist military dictator, Hugo Chavez.
If you see Sean Penn, just keep walking. The best story you're likely to get from an encounter with this guy is: "I once saw Sean Penn." On the surface, Penn appears to be a great guy with whip-sharp intellect. In reality, despite being an actor with some prodigious talent, Penn can be an obnoxious jerk. A known die-hard supporter of the Venezuelan dictator, Hugo Chavez, Penn had a day of reckoning when actress Maria Conchita Alonso, raised in Venezuela, justly demanded an explanation on how he could support such a man. Penn's only comeback to Maria before stalking off was "You're a pig." Good one, Sean. Please keep in mind that all the political advocacy in the world is not going to erase the time you tied Madonna to a chair and beat her for hours.

aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation