12 Bonkers Theories About 2018’s Movies That Surely Can’t Be True

9. Black Manta Cuts Aquaman's Hand Off - Aquaman

Aquaman Justice League
Warner Bros

The Theory: The villain of Aquaman's upcoming solo movie, Black Manta, will end up cutting the hero's hand off, causing him to have it replaced with an awesome harpoon attachment.

Why It Can't Be True: As the DCEU is clearly trying to course-correct itself with a lighter approach, Warner Bros. will probably want to steer clear of limbs being hacked off for a while.

Plus, considering that the Aquaman movie is already going to be a pretty tough sell for general audiences, maybe introducing something as goofy as a harpoon hand replacement so early in the character's tenure isn't the smartest idea?

But..What If?: The Marvel Cinematic Universe has gotten away with severed limbs just fine, and the fact that it will probably happen underwater gives director James Wan a few more visual possibilities for obscuring all the blood.

If the rest of the movie keeps relatively fun and light, then it can certainly earn at least one moment of grim horror such as this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.