12 Brilliant Movie Scenes When Actors Weren't Acting

2. Marseille - Casablanca

Casablanca Marseille
Warner Bros.

When Casablanca came out, the second world war was still raging, with emotional wounds split open across Europe, and that played into one of its most iconic scenes.

When the Nazis at the bar start singing German patriotic song "Die Wacht am Rhein," they are rather beautifully drowned out by the other patrons loudly singing the French National Anthem in defiance. Emotions run high during the scene, as some of the extras can be seen really crying, and for good reason.

The bar was populated by French Refugees cast as extras, and their emotional response was very much rooted in their real life experiences. It was, after all, shot in 1941 as the Nazis were in the ascendancy, and those extras couldn't have been sure if their homeland would even be there in a matter of years.

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The Shining
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