12 Characters Who Will Probably Die In 2018's Biggest Movies

6. Cecilia Reyes - The New Mutants

The New Mutants Alice Braga Cecilia Reyes

Why She Should Die: The first trailer for the new X-Men spin-off makes it clear that Cecilia Reyes is not just the doctor overseeing the mutants' development, but serves as a mentor of sorts, attempting to keep them and their abilities in check.

However, as The New Mutants is designed as the first in a three-film franchise, it makes sense that this first one would conclude with Reyes' death, allowing the mutants to go out on their own for the second movie with a total absence of a guiding adult figure. It's an easy set-up for the sequel to one-up the original.

How She'll Die: She'll almost certainly sacrifice herself to allow the five mutants to escape from Demon Bear, or whoever the movie's main antagonist in fact ends up being.

Whatever happens, though, her chances of surviving the film are incredibly slim, because creatively, her presence would just hold the mutants back in a sequel. Better to kill her off and leave fans wondering how the mutants will cope on their own until the next film comes out.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.