11. Nathan Fillion Confirmed To Play Nathan Drake In Uncharted Movie
The Announcement: With the movie adaptation of the classic franchise due for release less than a year from now on June 10, 2016, it'd make sense to finally get the wheels turning with a casting announcement for steely protagonist Nathan Drake. And who better than the man Uncharted fans have been desperate to see play the role for years, Nathan Fillion? Why It'd Be Awesome: For starters, he's got the look and the wit to play the character perfectly, and even if other aspects of the movie weren't quite there, at least fans would know that Uncharted is a video game movie that got its casting right. How Likely Is It?: 2/10. Even ignoring the fact that Sony aren't supposed to be appearing at this year's Con (though it could be announced at an unrelated video game panel), Fillion just isn't well known enough for them to risk a big-budget project on. That said, Chris Pratt leading Guardians Of The Galaxy was seen as a risky proposition back in 2013, and Fillion has kept the popular TV show Castle going for seven seasons, so perhaps it's not that much of a gamble. Still, don't expect to hear it, as awesome as it would be.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.