12 Crazy Comic Book Movie Rumours That Thankfully Never Happened

10. Daniel Radcliffe As Robin In Dawn Of Justice

Daniel Radcliffe Robin In June of 2014, Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe kicked off a rumour-fest when he spoke to Buzzfeed about which movie franchise he'd like to join now that his wizarding days are over. The English actor answered that he'd be interested in joining the DC Cinematic Universe in a Batman movie, saying this:
If they reboot that again, I€™ll do that! It€™s happening, isn't it? With Ben Affleck. I could be Robin! I'm perfect!
As great a job as Radcliffe did as the most famous magic-user in movie history, we have to disagree with his assessment of being "perfect" for the role as the Boy Wonder - and the rumours that his proclamation sparked online were, thankfully, nothing more than that. No Robin has been cast for Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice as far as we know and, hopefully, that's because the film isn't going to include the character. It has enough characters already and the last time Robin appeared in a movie... well, we all know what happened there...
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.