12 Creepiest Stories About Famous Movie Directors

5. Abdellatif Kechiche (Blue Is The Warmest Colour) Made His Lead Actresses Perform An Hour-Long Sex Scene

Wild Bunch

The Story: Abdellatif Kechiche masterpiece lesbian drama Blue is the Warmest Colour quickly whipped up a storm following its 2013 Cannes Film Festival premiere for its extensive and graphic sex scenes between Adèle Exarchopoulos and Lea Seydoux. Though the film won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, stories of the movie's troubled production soon enough began to emerge, specifically that Kechiche was abusive to his leading ladies.

The climactic sex scene (which lasts close to 20 minutes in the film) was shot over the course of 10 days, and Kechiche reportedly made the actresses perform simulated sex for takes of up to an hour without any breaks. While both actresses appear happy with the final film, they both conceded that it was a very difficult shoot and, at the time, Seydoux said that she would never work with the director again.

Creep-O-Meter: 6/10

There's a lot to be said for a director pushing his actors to get the most out of them, but at the same time, there's a line that has to be drawn, especially when dealing with something as potentially awkward as filming a sex scene. Perhaps Kechiche just wanted to capture the exhausted intensity of their passionate lovemaking, but it doesn't sound like he had a particularly sensitive approach to the actresses' needs, and of course, people are naturally going to infer that he might've done it for his own perversion. The end result speaks for itself, but the director probably could've been a little more reasonable with the demands he made of his stars. Would it have affected the picture? Probably not.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.