12 Depressing Alternate Endings That Were Way Better Than The Originals

7. The Butterfly Effect

TThe Butterfly Effect
New Line Cinema

The Butterfly Effect already has a pretty sorry ending, as Ashton Kutcher's Evan realises that he can't go back in time and save himself from past trauma, without costing his loved ones some grave results.

Naturally, he eventually goes back and makes sure he never meets Kayleigh, his childhood sweetheart, which is clearly the key to fixing everything, and when we jump back to the future, we see she's living a happy life without Ashton Kutcher (which some people could only dream of.)

Bit of a bummer, but nothing compared to the alternate ending, which was pretty much the single most harrowing moment to happen in any time travel movie ever, and must rate pretty high in the list of darkest Hollywood moments ever...

Yes, that's right, realising that no matter what he does, he probably can't fix all of the problems he's caused, Evan instead decides to wipe the problem out at the source and strangles himself in the womb. Cheerful.

The Problem

You really want to question the conscious depiction of in-utero infant suicide? What's the matter with you?!

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