12 Depressing Alternate Endings That Were Way Better Than The Originals

5. Terminator Salvation

Terminator Salvation Ending
Warner Bros.

Rather than Marcus the part-robot giving up his heart for John Connor when the hero is mortally wounded, in the original version, it turns out that Connor is beyond saving, and that Marcus will also need a fixer-upper.

Undeterred by her husband's death, Connor's wife hatches a plan, suggesting Marcus take on Connor's identity for the good of the cause. In a move very reminiscent of Chris Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises script, the original movie would have played on the fact that not many people actually knew what Connor looked like, and that his enduring symbol was more important to the Resistance than allowing him some dignity in death.

So Connor would be shuffled off inauspiciously while Marcus was transformed to look more like him (which is odd considering it's suggested that noone even knows what Connor actually looks like) and everyone presumably ignores the fact that he is now basically a superhero.

The Problem

Well, there wasn't one - noone really wimped out of the story direction, because the Internet made the decision for them by leaking the ending and making the studio fly off in a rage, and change the ending to the one we got to see in the cinema, which was a shame, since the final cut was pretty boring, and the original ending might have saved it some face.

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