12 Famous Actors Unbelievably Hidden In Huge Movies

2. Harrison Ford - ET

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Universal Pictures

You can always rely on a Steven Spielberg film to have great cameos. He seems very much to revel in Easter Eggs, after all.

His best cameo is also the hardest to spot, as Harrison Ford initially turned up in E.T. for a very brief scene with Elliott. He was to play the headmaster of the boy's school who brings him in to berate him for his drunken behaviour in science class.

You wouldn't have seen him on screen, making it a good hidden cameo on one front, but the fact that Spielberg chose to cut the scene makes it even more covert. The only place you can see it is on the E.T. Laserdisc boxset from the 90s, which is probably harder to find than unicorn poop.


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