12 Fan Character Designs Better Than What We Got

11. The Joker (Suicide Squad)

Jared Leto Suicide Squad
Warner Bros & Bosslogic

We'll stick with the DCEU for a moment as we consider perhaps the most maligned character design in the entire franchise - that of Jared Leto's Hot Topic-inspired Joker in Suicide Squad.

Whatever you make of Leto's performance, it's easy to see why many found the make-up effects overly loud and obnoxious, to say nothing of his tacky, gangster-inspired clothing which seemed to veer away from the classic conception of the supervillain "just because."

But enter legendary fan artist Bosslogic, who offered up a vastly superior interpretation of Leto as The Joker before cameras had even started rolling on the movie.

This is a case of simplicity proving the key to success - taking Leto's punk-rock persona and melding it with the traditional Joker aesthetic makes for an effortless winner. It's just different enough from previous Jokers, but still recognisably in the same wheelhouse.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.