12 Films That Wasted Incredible Potential

9. Chappie

Resident Evil The Final Chapter
Columbia Pictures

After making multiple shorts films, writer and director Neill Blomkamp rose to fame with his first feature length film District 9, which was based on one of his original shorts. His next film, Elysium, would not be as successful, but further demonstrated his ability to make interesting and compelling stories in a gritty and realistic science-fiction setting.

Chappie, at least on paper, seemed like it was going to be more of the same from Blomkamp. Based on another one of his short films, Chappie was about a law enforcement robot in Johannesburg, South Africa, that is uploaded with a new artificial intelligence. The robot is captured by gangsters, who name it Chappie and try to teach it how to fight and stand up for itself.

But what was looking like a new and interesting science-fiction film turned out to be another attempt by a director to try and say something meaningful, without the means to say it in a compelling way.

In the end, Chappie was nothing more than a confusing mix between Short Circuit and Alita Battle Angel, with a story that threw logic out the window on more than one occasion.

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I am an open minded guy who is always up for trying new things. I love playing video games, watching and critiquing the latest films and tv shows and a big fan of football. P.S, I hope you are all doing well during these challenging times and that you have a great day.