12 Harry Potter Theories Better Than What We Got

6. Amos Diggory Was Mind-Controlled By The Ministry Of Magic

Amos Diggory Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Think back to the first time you read the end of The Goblet Of Fire and how much Amos Diggory's reaction to the sight of his dead son ripped your heart out. It was profound, disturbing and utterly heartbreaking...

...Which made the fact that he never appeared again - not even in a notable passing reference, really - all the more difficult to understand. After all, in normal narrative circumstances, a Dark Lord murdering your child is the kind of thing Hero Origins are made of, but for Mr Diggory, it was a devastating emotional cul-de-sac.

Instead, the fifth chapter of the Potter series opens with Harry isolated and nobody believing that Voldemort is back. Despite the fact that Harry is widely discredited thanks to the mud-slinging propaganda campaign by the Ministry, it seems that Amos' belief that Harry was not responsible for Cedric's death holds true. If it didn't, he would surely have come after Harry to take him to task for murdering his son, wouldn't he?

And by the same token, if Amos DID believe Harry, why wouldn't he have been fighting the tide of misinformation leaked by the Ministry to discredit Harry? That he would simply disappear can sort of be hand-waved as a reaction to his grief, but it's in way as fitting as the theory that the Ministry's suppression of the truth also meant dealing with key witnesses.

Unable to remove Harry from the picture and happy that the Quibbler was unwittingly discrediting the truth by association thanks to its track record of nonsense stories, the Ministry's only real issue would have been with Amos Diggory. They had to silence him and using the Imperius Curse to keep him out of the public spotlight - and removing the useful propaganda of his grief - can be the only way they managed it.

That's certainly a better answer than no answer at all.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.