12 Hilarious Films That Weren't Supposed To Be Funny

2. Robo Vampire (1988)

Picture a cheaply made Robocop knock-off where the lead actor wears a tinfoil suit, shin pads, goggles and silver crash helmet. Next, imagine him interacting with footage ripped from two other movies, including a Thai cop thriller and a Hong Kong supernatural comedy. That€™s Robo Vampire €“ three movies for the price of one. And you€™ll still demand your money back. Hilariously, the Hong Kong footage features Chinese hopping vampires, so when Robo isn€™t fighting gangsters whose machine guns don€™t produce muzzle flares, he€™s €˜seamlessly€™ reacting to vampires that can hop, fly and disappear at will. These creatures also possess the ability to make our hero fly through the air (on clearly visible wires) and the actor€™s attempts to move robotically while being €˜thrown€™ are hilarious. For bad measure, the filmmakers also decided to throw in a kung-fu kicking female ghost, who turns into an obvious double in every other shot.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'