12 Hilarious Films That Weren't Supposed To Be Funny

8. Prophecy (1979)

Described by Stephen King €œlooking sort of like a skinned pig and sort of like a bear turned inside out€, Prophecy€™s creature is the result of mercury poisoning caused by pollution from the local paper mill, screenwriter David Seltzer€™s updating of the old €œyep, must be the radiation€ plot device. It€™s also the source of the film€™s unintentional laughs, particularly when it starts knocking around campers unable to extricate themselves from their sleeping bags and chowing down on little kids. Looking in some shots like a stuffed animal being wheeled towards its victims, this product of the evils of capitalism was, ironically enough, the product of a cost-conscious studio. Pressured by Paramount to keep production costs down before the movie€™s antagonist had been properly designed, director John Frankenheimer abandoned his plans for a towering, dragon-like creature and opted instead for an actor in a bear suit. Anyone watching just for laughs is advised to forego the first half and skip straight to the monster attacks €“ and don€™t miss the final shot.

Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'