12 Horror Movies So Bad Actors Completely Disowned Them

2. Christopher Lee - Funny Man

Jennifer Aniston Leprechaun
Arrow Media

Disowned by none other than the genre film legend/ Saruman himself Christopher Lee, 1994’s atrociously unfunny and disastrously un-scary Funny Man tells the tale of the eponymous demonic jester as he picks off the denizens of a mansion recently won from Lee’s eccentric old codger in a poker game.

Of the many questionable choices in Lee’s long oeuvre, it may seem petty for the thespian to single this flick out by distancing himself from its failure.

But it’s worth noting that the film prominently advertised the actor’s involvement despite his relative insubstantial role, so with that context in mind, it’s understandable that he felt the need to shake the stench off of this one.


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