12 Horror Movies That Deserved Sequels

9. Sleepy Hollow

Dog Soldiers Liam Cunningham

Released in November 1999 - although in some territories, including the UK, it didn't reach screens until January 2000 - we could call Tim Burton's Gothic spectacular the last great horror movie of the 20th century, or the first great horror movie of the 21st.

Either way, 18 years on it stands up as one of the director's definitive works; indeed, with the possible exception of Sweeney Todd, it's debatable that any Burton film since has come close to being as entertaining, or as perfect an encapsulation of the filmmaker's very particular sensibilities.

The film's liberal embellishment of Washington Irving's short story does bring things to a very neat conclusion: the headless horseman, reunited with his long-absent cranium, goes back to the grave, whilst Johnny Depp's Ichabod and Christina Ricci's Katrina leave Sleepy Hollow behind for Manhattan.

Still, it wouldn't have been too hard to crack some way to bring the duo back into harm's way - investigating supernatural crimes in the Big Apple, maybe?

Of course, a follow-up would seem unlikely now given how much time has passed (not to mention Depp's recent, er, public image problems); and in any case, Sleepy Hollow has since been reworked as a very different TV series.


Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.