12 Horror Sequels You Should Die Before You See

10. The Last Exorcism Part II

Paul Rudd Halloween

If you haven’t seen it or don’t remember, The Last Exorcism Part I (The Penultimate Exorcism, surely?) was your typical film-crew-follows-an-exorcist movie, and there were scattered unintentional laughs as this rent-a-Von-Sydow, who was only doing The Lord’s Work in order to obtain health insurance, came to realize Ol’ Scratch had literally gotten inside young Nell (Ashley Bell) and left a Satanic bun in her oven.

Part II (The Nextorcist?) tackles the problem of following that with one of those and-then-she-woke-up-with-no-memory type openings. You know: a nice suburban couple finds amnesiac Nell in their kitchen, and since she can’t tell the police anything, she’s packed off to an orphanage where she starts having dreams about weird guys in masks.

As if to justify their title, the filmmakers then introduce another exorcist for a finale that’s even sillier than its predecessor, and it’s a tribute to Bell’s professionalism that she keeps a straight face and gives it her all as characters you thought were dead turn up to spout gibberish and write ‘Croatoa’ on her stomach.  


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'