12 Huge Movies That IT Destroyed At The Box Office

7. All These Pixar Movies

Wall-E Rubiks Cube

Box Office: The Good Dinosaur ($332.2 million), A Bug's Life ($363.3 million), Toy Story ($373.6 million), Cars 3 ($374.4 million), Cars ($462.2 million), Toy Story 2 ($497.4 million), WALL-E ($533.3 million), Brave ($540.4 million), Cars 2 ($562.1 million), and Monsters, Inc. ($577.4 million)

Pixar might seem like an odd touchstone of comparison to a horror movie that isn't remotely aimed at children, but that's precisely why It's box office success is so damn impressive.

Pixar is the gold standard of animated films these days, to the point that they've enjoyed two billion-dollar grossers in Finding Dory ($1.028 billion) and Toy Story 3 ($1.067 billion), and are widely loved by several generations of adults and kids alike.

That's quite a substantial demographic, then, so it's honestly surprising that a film about a clown who eats kids has out-grossed more than half of the studio's output.

In the coming weeks, It will further its gains by defeating Ratatouille ($620.7 million) and The Incredibles ($633 million), proving that though family movies might be veritable cash cows, there's also a huge audience out there starved of adult, artfully-made horror movies.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.