12 Iconic Movie Characters Who Aren't As Cool As You Remember

1. James Bond - James Bond, 007 Series

If James Bond ever stopped to look back on his life and consider his unforgivable actions, the sense of realisation and guilt would probably feel like the sky was falling on him. He's sexist beyond belief, never respecting women and only using them for one thing (which has surely led to some nasty visits to the clinic). Other than that, he used to be a racist, shooting any old Russian who was unfortunate to ever come across him. Racism may have been tolerated in the '60s, but it's about time the super spy got with the times. He flaunts all of his money and silly gadgets, gambling it on high stakes poker games that could really be put to better use. How about in the next Bond film we see him throwing his cash around Africa building schools for poor kids? He dresses as if he thinks he's better than all of us - I smell elitism. And he tells everyone his surname before his first name, expecting them to care by leaving them with a sense of self-entitled suspense. Yes, this trigger-happy alcoholic has inspired many generations of men, even having his own brand of cologne (which you'll buy if you want to smell like a brothel). He's been making a mess out of secret missions for decades now; maybe it's about time he stopped being bossed around by his grandma (my grandma bosses me around, but I'm not considered 'cool' anyway), grew up a bit and stopped putting people's lives in jeopardy. And lastly, Sean Connery can't even pronounce his S' properly. Everyone who I've ever known to have a speech impediment has tragically failed with women. Not Bond, of course, who thinks he's so cool that he goes by a number that he probably can't even count to due to the amount of blows he has taken to the head over the years. Sigh. Like this article? Let us know in the comments section below.

Aspiring screenwriter. Film & TV Production BA (Hons) graduate. Currently studying MA Screenwriting at LJMU. Addicted to Breaking Bad and Chinese food.