12 Insane Movie Details You Definitely Missed

9. Several Character Deaths Are Cleverly Foreshadowed - Final Destination

Final Destination Tod Death
New Line Cinema

Final Destination is another movie that few would expect genuinely clever storytelling from, and yet, director James Wong features a number of subtle visual nods to the subsequent deaths of several key characters.

For starters, when the teens are boarding their doomed flight at the start of the movie, protagonist Alex's (Devon Sawa) best pal Tod (Chad E. Donella) makes throat-cutting and strangulation motions to Alex, reflecting his brutal strangulation death later in the film.

Elsewhere, after Alex has his fateful premonition and gets off the plane, a scuffle ensues as Billy (Seann William Scott) watches the plane fly through the air, with the plane travelling across his face in the reflection of the airport window. This foretells Billy's grisly demise later, when his head is sliced in half by a piece of metal shrapnel.

And finally, there's poor Terry (Amanda Detmer), who stands in front of a picture of a bus shortly after the plane explodes, only to be hit and killed by a bus later on.

Amusingly enough, the third film - which was also directed by Wong - runs with this idea and has Death leaving clues for the protagonists, hinting at their future deaths in pictures they took at the start of the movie.

Even so, this is remarkably subtle for a franchise that has never exactly prided itself on letting the audience figure things out for themselves.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.