12 Insanely Subtle CGI Movie Moments Nobody Noticed

4. Keira Knightley's Skin - The Jacket

The Jacket Keira Knightley Adrien Brody
Warner Independent Pictures

You may not remember much of this Keira Knightley and Adrien Brody-starring 2005 thriller, but you certainly weren't drawn out of the movie by any garish digital make-up effects either, that's for sure.

Knightley has, by her own admission, suffered with sensitive skin her entire life, and this came to a head while filming The Jacket, when the actress had some unfortunate and unexpected complexion issues, which were then digitally smoothed out in post-production (a necessity given the amount of flesh she bares in the film).

Hilariously, the VFX artists named the skin-smoothing software "Keira-sil", while the end result is 100% invisible. Bravo.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.