12 Major Implications Of Spider-Man Joining Marvel's Phase 3

4. More Cross-Overs

One of the more interesting points in the official announcement that might fly under the radar a little in the bubble of excitement is the fact that Spider-Man will not be limited to one appearance alongside Avengers characters:
"Marvel and Sony Pictures are also exploring opportunities to integrate characters from the MCU into future Spider-Man films."
While that doesn't mean you should start placing bets on how he'll play into The Infinity Wars movies, it probably does mean that MCU characters will appear in the 2017 Spider-Man movie (which might give Sony the chance of a bigger assured hit), or at least in the rest of the expanded Spidey universe. The best idea for that - though it might not fit with the end of Civil War - would be to explore Tony Stark's relationship with Spider-Man as a sort of father-figure who helps upgrade the Spider-Man suit (though if they go full mech like in the comics it would be too far), or some sort of team-up with Black Widow for countless spider-based puns.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.