12 Major Implications Of Spider-Man Joining Marvel's Phase 3

2. Civil War Gets Its Poster Boy

The most significant point of this whole relationship is that Marvel get one of the most important parts of Civil War in place and aren't forced to rewrite comics history by putting a less significant masked superhero in his place. For fans of the Civil War run, Spider-Man's decision to join Tony Stark and take off his mask as a symbolic gesture was the single most important moment in the entire story: it changes the stakes dramatically and it also makes the surrounding Spider-Man story all the more compelling because it basically announces the opening of hunting season for his own villains. That means some pretty major things for the future of the Spider-Man franchise - not least that his identity will be known from the start - and it could actually represent the best opportunity to explain why a Sinister Six movie can still exist without Andrew Garfield's version of the character existing.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.